My obsession with bodily functions, especially those that disturb other people, has led me to write, and rid my mind of these oddball thoughts. Or maybe just share them with like-kind individuals such as yourself. Sicko!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The wrong hole???
Friday, September 11, 2009
Super Cock: In my mouth, out my ass
The next match: "Blank... a doodle doo." Jackie answered: "I have cock, and I wrote it big. I have big cock." Jackie was told that having "big cock" coming out of his mouth sounded dirty and couldn't be said on the radio. Jackie's retort, loud and clear over the airwaves: "So I can't say big cock, but you can say big cock coming out of my mouth?"
Flash-forward to this evening. A local wing place, Buffalo Wings and Beer, has some creative names for its wings, starting with Hen and working up to Cock, Super Cock, and Insane Cock. As I sat down to eat my hot plate of Super Cock, that ridiculous Stern skit popped into my head. I quipped to my wife: "Look - I'm putting Super Cock in my mouth!" That pretty much ruined any possibility of romance this evening.
But just in case there was still a glimmer of hope, I turned to her just a few minutes ago, ripped out a burner that brought tears to her eyes, and said "See? Now I have Super Cock coming out of my ass!"
She's not talking to me anymore.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My fart worked a full day
It's been a while since I last blogged, but I assure you it's not because of a lack of flatulance. On the contrary: my recent output has been abnormally high, and its Disturbance Factor has been off the charts (much to my family's chagrin).
This morning had to be the worst of what I consider my most vile week of 2009. I woke myself up by turning over while still under the sheets, causing the previous night's buildup to rush past me as it escaped the confines of my bed.
Then it was on to a shower, where I repeatedly confirmed that farts travel phenomenally fast upstream, somehow riding along the hot jets of water and right into my face.
The worst, of course, was yet to come. I was standing in the walk-in closet, uninhibited by any restrictive clothing, hunting for a clean pair of pants. As always, the air was still, as there is nearly zero airflow in there. A sudden pressure buildup led to a multi-blast flamethrower that unleashed what must have been the Devil himself. I realized, as I was nearly done (and giving it the ultimate prone-position final squeeze) that I needed to go. NOW.
I left the closet, shut the door, and headed to the throne to take care of this festering, rotting waste built up in my colon.
Fast-forward to 4pm. A family member trekked upstairs to the walk-in closet to fetch a roll of toilet paper. Upon entering, said family member gagged and nearly lost their lunch. My wife, upon hearing the plea for help, decided to inspect the closet, for fear of a dead mouse. However, upon opening the door and taking a sniff, she knew it wasn't a mouse. She recognized my scent immediately (which disgusted her). She then realized I hadn't been home for 8 hours (which disgusted her further).
Just like a loudspeaker's sound quality being affected by the acoustical qualities of a room, my fart quality was truly enhanced by the wonderfully still air of my closet. That, and the good fortune that nobody opened the closet door all day.
My wife recounted this story to me this evening. Maybe she was expecting me to be embarrassed, humbled, even apologetic. I can't be quite sure, because I was laughing until tears flowed out of my eyes, and couldn't really focus on anything.
So there it is, Constant Flatulator: my fart that worked an 8-hour day. It's a proud moment for me, though I wish I could have been there to see the fruits of my labor...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Fart with me tonight - 0100 UTC (9pm eastern)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Why Girls Don't Fart
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Flatulent Comments Fall Flat
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A measurable quantity
- Wake up, stumble downstairs, grind fresh beans, brew a strong batch of French Press
- Down 2 cups of coffee while eating a bowl of Kashi (10g fiber / serving) and a fistful of blueberries
- Sit down at the computer and start working, waiting for the moment to hit.
- Clench butt cheeks at the onset of anal eruption, and waddle down the hall hoping not to sneeze.
- Drop onto the Ring of Salvation, and let gravity take over.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Guy farts are worse than girl farts

HOT GIRL FARTS 20 TIMES - Watch more Funny Videos
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fart Poll: Whose Farts are the Worst???
- Girl farts sometimes mix with the fumes from Yeast Canyon
- Girl farts are often held in longer, accumulating stronger toxicity
- Girl farts are more rare in public, so you might not even recognize one until you're knocked to the ground.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fart Challenge: Open Door Anonymous
- Provide enough volume to cause conversation to cease
- Perform the act in a crowded environment to maintain anonymity
- Bonus points: I get to hear their disgusted reaction
- The conversation outside the door went dead-silent, but only for maybe a second or two. Goal #1 - SUCCESS
- There were still a few inhabitants in the bathroom, and I spent time afterward at the urinal. Goal #2 - SUCCESS
- Right after the silence, one of the ladies did the expected "Good Lord!" It was the second lady's reaction that was more interesting: "Must be my HUSBAND in there!" And then laughter ensued. Goal #3 - PARTIAL SUCCESS (they weren't all grossed out - only the first lady).
Friday, June 5, 2009
Get off your Cellphone – I’m Voiding!
When I head to the bathroom, it's (usually) to purge my body of some foul smelling food byproduct. Sometimes this activity comes with free sound effects for all to enjoy. I never feel I'm being rude by farting loudly while standing at the urinal or generating mini-splashdowns in the bowl after a particularly spicy lunch.
I'm sure you share the same opinion: this is not a place to be reserved. After all, you're either whipping out an appendage or dropping trou' and venting your buttocks in a shared airspace..
So, what compels people talk on their cell phones while in the bathroom? Microphones are pretty sensitive and are bound to pick up all sorts of toots, blasts, splashes, groans, hocks, and any other sound I haven't yet imagined (or don’t wish to conjure up memories of).
And so it is with these thoughts in my head that I bring you into my life once again. A few nights ago, I was in the bathroom at a restaurant. A guy walks in while I'm at the urinal, and he's talking on his cell phone with some fancy Bluetooth thing on his ear. You'd think he could have waited outside for a bit to finish his call, maybe with a really creative line like “hey – let's talk later, I’m walking into the bathroom”? Noooo... Just walked right in while talking. And goes to the urinal next to me. So, I felt obligated to send a message to the person on the other end of this obviously life-critical discussion. I let fly with a loud, legato blast with a slightly wet ending (and I admit, shamelessly, that I arrived back at the hotel later to find that I had ever-so-slightly signed my underwear in Brown Dye #2).
If I were the one on the phone when this occurred (and trust me, I wouldn’t have been), I would have said my goodbye and hung up my damn phone. But no, not Mr. Chattenleak. He actually had the gall (or stupidity) to turn to me and say "Do you mind?" My first thought was to say something really cynical and four-letter-ish. Instead, I felt that another blast was the best way to convey my sentiment. Fortunately for me, my gas-passing skills are rather good, and I was able to conjure up another fantastic rip-on-demand, this time with a urine-splash ending. This resulted in the desired "I gotta go" response.
A few minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom a proud man, my head held high. I felt I had done my civic duty (haha – I said doody). I only wish I could have heard the poor soul's reaction on the other side of that ill-fated call.
What would you have done?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Wall Leaner Guy and the Nose Pick
In my daily travels to public restrooms, I see way too many people ignoring the sink, both for urinating and for washing. I forgive those who don't urinate there, but the handwashing part? Pretty nasty, considering you then grab the door handle to exit, leaving your cock's epithelial tissue (or maybe some fecal fingerprints) for all to share.
That said, what I saw the other day makes me shake my head in disbelief. This guy shows up at the urinal next to mine. I hear the zipper open, followed by a sigh that could only mean “relief has arrived.” He had a deep, almost pained breathing, like it was taking all his energy to piss. To add to the image in your mind: after (presumably) grabbing his cock and hanging it out, he raised his arm and propped his hand up against the tile wall, and bowed his head. Either he was checking himself out down there or he was really exhausted from going Number One.
What happened next was, um, repulsive? Wall Leaner Guy (my new nickname for him) lifts his head, peels his palm off the wall, moves his hand into position at nostril-level, and starts digging for gold. I thought the incredulous look on my face might have deterred him. But no, he forged ahead. I’m pretty sure he got his finger in up to the second knuckle. He twisted and curled his finger, obviously trying to claw out some well-shaped, slightly crusted fragment of mucous. He eventually succeeded, examining the fruits of his labor before flicking the now-rolled-up booger onto a nearby wall tile.
As he placed his palm back up against the tile, I turned toward my own tile wall, as I could not watch anymore. And I realize there were boogers clinging to the wall in front of me, as well as a few short hairs that could only have come from man-crotch.
You can probably imagine the conclusion I drew at this instant: Wall Leaner Guy is not alone in his strange fetish. And I’m sure you’ve already guessed the next thought I had: He just shoved unknown penis skin cells up his nose.
As I sit here retelling my eyewitness encounter, I’m left with more questions than answers. Did Wall Leaner Guy even realize he picked his nose, or was it an unconscious act? If he did realize it: did he also realize others before him may have done the same, possibly after grabbing their dick, balls, or pubes to free themselves from the sweaty confines of their underwear? And if he realized that, does he actually get off on the fact that he can secretly sniff a man’s junk, sniff it all the way into his lungs, walking around with foreign tubesteak skin buried deep within his body?
Lest you doubt the veracity of this story, just open your eyes next time you’re in the urinal and try counting the crusted boogers and curly hairs. And try not to gag.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Modesty behind the stall door
Not that I'm in there wanting to listen or anything - maybe I just want to piss and be gone. But - wild guess here - the guy is in there to knock off some dingleberries, not check his BlackBerry. So why is it that people pucker up when someone else enters? It's not like I'm gonna look under the door to see what shoes you're wearing, and then hunt you down later to ask what you ate the day before.
So this brings me to my most recent trip to the men's room. As I was opening the door, I heard a blast and some water-spalshing. As soon as my footsteps echoed, the sounds stopped. I walked up to the urinal, started the flow, and then let loose with some great gas, with a terrific horn-section sound that can only be achieved while urinating in the stand-up position. This, apparently, was like a wind-blown invite to the stall-dweller, that read something like "You're cordially invited to join the cacophony of colon-induced auditory immersion." Not two seconds after my rip, this guy let loose with both solids and gases (and maybe some liquids?) that I was truly in awe of. I'm convinced he needed to wipe from the outside-in, just to clean up the backsplash.
So, I urge you to do your part, and help those too timid to fly free: Break the ice (and wind), and help start the bathroom conversation.