Friday, September 11, 2009

Super Cock: In my mouth, out my ass

Many moons ago, Howard Stern hosted a bogus game show while at WNBC, modeled after Match Game. The first match: "blank... willow." Robin, playing Brett Somers, answered: "The only thing on my mind, Gene: PUSSY!"

The next match: "Blank... a doodle doo." Jackie answered: "I have cock, and I wrote it big. I have big cock." Jackie was told that having "big cock" coming out of his mouth sounded dirty and couldn't be said on the radio. Jackie's retort, loud and clear over the airwaves: "So I can't say big cock, but you can say big cock coming out of my mouth?"

Flash-forward to this evening. A local wing place, Buffalo Wings and Beer, has some creative names for its wings, starting with Hen and working up to Cock, Super Cock, and Insane Cock. As I sat down to eat my hot plate of Super Cock, that ridiculous Stern skit popped into my head. I quipped to my wife: "Look - I'm putting Super Cock in my mouth!" That pretty much ruined any possibility of romance this evening.

But just in case there was still a glimmer of hope, I turned to her just a few minutes ago, ripped out a burner that brought tears to her eyes, and said "See? Now I have Super Cock coming out of my ass!"

She's not talking to me anymore.

1 comment:

MadMarv said...

Does the Super Cock come in a box?